Jesko Dujmovic

Jesko Dujmovic, hidden behind a mustache
Picture by CISPA/Tobias Ebelshäuser

Hello, I'm Jesko Dujmovic, well technically Dujmović, but I prefer Dujmovic. It is easier to type and does not break any forms.

I'm currently a PhD candidate with Nico Döttling at CISPA. In the summer of 2023 I interned with Giulio Malavolta at MPI-SP. Before this I did my MSc and BSc at Saarland University. I'm generally interested cryptography, preferably theoretical cryptography, but I also love to see protocols deployed in real life. More specifically, I love working on Private Information Retrieval, Time-Lock Puzzles, obfuscation, idealized models, proof systems, and so much more.

I'm always down for a conversation about cryptography, so if you see me at a conference just talk to me. There should be a picture of me on this website. You can also email me at mail @ ind-jesko . net or find me on X. If you are looking for a good conversation starter with me ask me about my opinions on the random oracle model.

Publications (Scholar,dblp)

Here is a list of my publications (if I keep updating it) Back to Top


Here is a list of talks I gave. Will try to link it if there is a video of it. Back to Top


It follows a list of teaching/organizing I've done. Back to Top

Community Service

I've been a subreviewer at these conferences: Back to Top


Here is a list of people I've worked with. Back to Top

Blog (Not a Paper)

In this blog I'm planning to document some of my ideas that interesting to me, but not significant enough to write a paper about them. The idea is just to get the ideas out there. So these posts will not be up to scientific standards. If you feel like working on one of these ideas with me, feel free to reach out.

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